Milk Formula

For your little ones

Breast milk is best for babies. If formula is considered, Liptomil Gold is the best choice for healthy and happy babies.

Liptis Nutrition has been the ONLY GLOBAL BRAND OWNER of Liptomil Gold milk formula, offering other LIPTOMIL PRODUCTS across Africa and the Middle East, and to the Libyan market since 2011.

Liptis Nutrition has NOT sold or assigned the rights to “Liptomil Gold” to any company.

Liptis Nutrition is THE ONLY COMPANY that owns the LIPTOMIL GOLD website.

Liptis Nutrition has not shipped any Liptomil Gold PRODUCTS to Libya in 2023.

Liptis Nutrition is very concerned about the health and safety of infants using Liptis products and we are issuing this urgent WARNING about products being sold that were not made by Liptis.




Original Product

1 Cap Gold Cap
2 Company Company: Liptis Nutrition

Original Product


Original Product

  • Liptis Nutrition Logo (Brand Owner)

Liptis Nutrition is NOT responsible for the safety, quality and health impacts on Libyan infants of any other products, holding Liptomil Gold brand name, BUT have NOT been produced by any Liptis affiliated manufacturing site and have NOT been distributed by any Liptis authorized distributors in Libya.


Milk Infant Formula

Made of milk and nutritious, wholesome ingredients for your baby.


Milk Special Formula

Milk based formulas for infants with special feeding needs.


Milk Supplemental Nutrition

A high-quality nutritional supplement made of milk for pregnant and breast feeding mothers.

Our Standards

Liptis is proactive in its approach in order to ensuring that babies, growing children and moms get the safest and highest quality nutrition available.

Liptomil Gold Difference

Parents and pediatricians trust Liptomil Gold to provide formulas made with wholesome milk and high-quality ingredients for your baby’s healthy growth and development.

Contact Us

All our products are designed to nourish babies/kids with essential ingredients for optimal growth and brain development.

gluten free

antibiotic free

Copyright © 2023 by Liptis Nutrition GmbH. All right reserved.